Winning Support for People Development: Video Series

Despite the clear benefits of people development – including increased retention, productivity, profitability, and happiness – not everyone is sold on its value. Whether you are a learning and development professional who needs to secure budget, a company leader who needs to make the case to skeptical colleagues or a new CEO, or a manager or employee who wants to bring training and coaching to your team, we think you’ll find this video series helpful.

Share your feedback, experiences, and ideas below in the comments section.

VIDEO 1: Making The Case for Learning and Development

Sometimes the most difficult thing about L&D programs is convincing the leadership at your organization that these programs are worth the money and time investment. In this video, The People Piece Founder and CEO, Roni Krouzman, shares some key insights gained from working with many different companies over the past decade. He introduces details about 5 tried and tested strategies that will help you sell your people development vision to key decision-makers within your company. Watch the video to gain insight into how to create a pitch that will influence and inspire key decision-makers at your organization.

VIDEO 2: Ask Powerful Questions to Inspire Vision and Motivation

The best sales are the ones where buyers have genuine ‘aha’ moments. In this video, The People Piece Founder and CEO, Roni Krouzman, shares some tips and insights into how to use powerful questions as a mechanism for helping decision makers realize the importance of people development. He introduces questions that inspire and articulate a clear vision as well as tap into the deeper, personal motivation founders and CEOs have for wanting to invest in their people.

VIDEO 3: Leverage the Power of Stories

In this short video, The People Piece Founder & CEO, Roni Krouzman, shares insights into one of the most effective strategies you can use to sell your people development ideas to the leadership at your company - telling stories. When it comes to pitching people development programs in your organization the mantra that “facts tell, but stories sell” is key. But how do you tell a story in a manner that has the impact you want? Watch the video and find out.

VIDEO 4: Share the Data

In this video, The People Piece Founder & CEO, Roni Krouzman, talks about the importance of using data in an effective manner when building your case for people development. Too often the data supporting an L&D pitch is incomplete or irrelevant in order to be impactful. Watch this video to learn about the 3 data sets you’ll want to collect in order to convince your company’s leadership to fund your L&D vision

VIDEO 5: Align with Business Objectives

In this video, The People Piece Founder & CEO, Roni Krouzman, provides practical tips on how to ensure your people development pitch is well-received by your company’s leadership. One of the keys to generating buy-in for a program internally is to ensure it is addressing specific business needs that really need to be solved. To make that link clear, and to communicate it effectively you’ll want to proactively address 4 key issues in your pitch. Watch the video to learn about these 4 issues to help build consensus and momentum for your L&D vision.

VIDEO 6: Build Momentum by Sharing the Wins

In this video, The People Piece Founder & CEO, Roni Krouzman, provides practical tips on how positively influence key decision-makers at your company to invest in your people development ideas. Successful L&D pitches do more than just focus on solving problems; they include case studies about wins and their impact on individuals and the organization. Watch this video to learn about the 3 types of wins you’ll want to share with upper management and your colleagues in order to increase the odds of winning support for your people development vision.

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