Silver Linings, Valuable Lessons


Inspiration from a challenging spring

Let’s be frank: it was a rough spring. The worst public health crisis in a century coupled with economic hardship and uncertainty, political dysfunction, dramatic changes to how we work, learn, and parent, and the ugly scourge of racism and division have left many of us wishing we could just reboot 2020...or simply skip ahead to 2021.

Yet this time of upheaval has also had silver linings. In the face of so many challenges, we’ve all needed to learn, adapt and persevere - as individuals and organizations. If necessity is the mother of invention, crisis may be the father of growth.

With spring behind us and an uncertain summer and fall ahead, we’ve highlighted just a few of the pandemic’s unexpected positive consequences, and what we can do to make the most of them...




The folks at Predictive Index reached out to friends and colleagues across industries and leadership levels with a simple question: What’s one silver lining that’s come out of the COVID-19 pandemic? The responses are thought provoking and inspiring.



It’s no exaggeration to say the world of work has changed dramatically. While those changes have brought emotional and logistical challenges, they have also presented exciting opportunities for what might be possible in a post-pandemic world.



How to lead amidst so much volatility, uncertainty and change is a hot topic right now, and rightfully so. We’ve compiled 3 short clips from our spring webinar series to support leaders and teams.

  • Leaders as Containers of Ambiguity - What is the best way to support anxious team members during times of uncertainty? When the terrain is unclear and people want guidance, leaders must serve as containers of ambiguity.

  • How Nature Survives Disruption - Nature has been successfully innovating, pivoting and navigating crises for 3.8 billion years or so. How can we mimic nature's operating instructions to create more flexible and successful organizations?

  • We’re All in This Together- Crisis can clarify and cultivate what really matters. The current pandemic is serving as a powerful reminder of how much we need each other to stay safe and secure - and renewing a sense of our interdependence.



Organizations that effectively navigate crises often need to adapt. Learn more about what some Chinese companies did to make it through the pandemic, and what all organizations may need to focus on in a post-Covid world.

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There is one more silver lining to the pandemic: it’s forced many of us to slow down. Later this week or when you return from some time off, take 30 or 60 minutes to step back as a team: reflect on what you’ve learned, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the strengths you see in each other that have helped you persevere, adapt and innovate. Check out our blog on appreciation and retrospectives for inspiration.



None of us would have wished for the past 4 months. Yet these times do offer valuable lessons, unique perspectives, and even exciting possibilities.

Taking some time to reflect and allow new perspectives to sink in helps us to process our experience, integrate learning, and set ourselves up for continued growth and development. It’s also a great way to connect with our fellow team members.


Emily HoughtonComment